Sunday, February 8, 2009

Apathy (Also, my nuttiest poem ever)

I have been scheduled for few training sessions designed to help me reach the next level in my roadmap. The training sessions are strenous and it is a lot of information being showered on a guy whose attention span What am I trying to quantify here...My attention span is non-existant. I have ADD of the worst kind.

So the other day after losing the battle like I always do, I gave up the idea of concentrating and started writing random stuff. It all started with the news about some idiots trying to blow planes with nitroglycerine smuggled on board in bottles. And yet, here we were blissful in our own existence, unmindful of what was happening in other parts of the world.
My poem is incoherent and discontinous at first glance but do spare a second read. It is about a self obsessed man, who can only think about himself and his woman while the rest of the world is being beaten a dog's death.
Here is what I wrote -

Took on mighty winds, hills and the strong mist
Searched distant lands with a comb
Baby was your Pop a terrorist
Because you are the bomb

I'll play the tambourine
And you can do your dance
While the wily mix nitroglycerine
To blow a plane over France

Dontcha worry honey, I got a boomerang
I'm gonna hunt a few bunny rabbits
And we can have 'em with tang

We never did care for the broken
We certainly hate the poor
Unless they have been spoken
To track our wandering mare's spoor

So let the world go up in flames
While we drink our gin
Even Caesar had everyone playing games
With slaves armored in tin.

P.S. I took the liberty of borrowing a funny line from one of those "101 pick up lines that will get your ass kicked" sites

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